Motivation on your fitness journey

Have you ever set a goal, worked hard to reach it, and then suddenly fallen off the wagon? Maybe you got injured or started feeling unmotivated by other things in life. Whatever the reason, getting back on track can be just as difficult as getting started. If this sounds like you, then I’m here to tell you that it’s not too late! Your mindset is what will determine whether or not you’re able to stay motivated on your fitness journey—and there are some ways that you can improve yours.

In this post we’ll break down what a mindset is, how it affects your ability to achieve goals (including fitness ones), and how to cultivate an optimistic/growth-oriented perspective toward life and health so that staying fit becomes easier over time:

What is a mindset?

A mindset is the way you think and feel about something. It’s your perspective on life, as well as your attitude towards things that happen to you.

Your mindset is what determines how much effort you put into anything in life–from working out at the gym to going after a promotion at work. It also determines whether or not you accomplish your goals, because when we set our minds on achieving something, we tend not to give up until we get there!

Why is your mindset so important?

Your mindset is a key factor in achieving your goals. It can help you stay motivated and overcome obstacles, which is why it’s so important to make sure that your mindset is in line with what you want out of life.

If your goal is to lose weight or build muscle, then having a positive attitude about losing weight/building muscle will help keep you on track. If someone tells themselves “I don’t have time” or “I’m too busy” every time they try to work out, then their mind will eventually give up on them because there are always going to be reasons why not working out makes sense–especially when someone has been told their entire lives how lazy they are! But if someone says “I’m going to do this no matter what!” then their mind will start looking for ways around those excuses instead of just giving up at the first sign of resistance (or lack thereof).

The Four Types of Mindsets

The way you think about yourself and your abilities is known as mindset. This can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals, but only if you understand how to use it properly.

There are four main types of mindsets:

  • Positive
  • Fixed
  • Growth
  • Pessimistic

Optimistic vs. Pessimistic Mindset

The first thing to understand about the power of mindset is that there are two types of people: optimists and pessimists.

Optimists believe they can control their own destiny, while pessimists believe they are not in control of their destiny. Optimists tend to be more successful in life, while pessimists tend to be depressed or suffer from low self-esteem–and this has been proven by scientific research!

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

The first step to getting motivated is to have a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when you believe your skills are fixed and can’t change them, whereas a growth mindset is when you believe your skills can be improved through hard work and dedication.

In the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck (affiliate link), she explains how people with different mindsets react differently in situations where they fail or succeed at something:

  • People with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities reflect who they are as people–and that if they fail at something, it means that they’re not good enough or smart enough for it. This leads to feelings of helplessness, anxiety over future failures, difficulty learning from mistakes since those mistakes reflect poorly on them personally instead of being opportunities for growth…and ultimately makes it more difficult for these individuals’ motivations to stick around long enough for them to accomplish anything worthwhile!

Self-Efficacy vs. Learned Helplessness

Self-efficacy is the belief that you can do something. It’s a positive mind-set that helps you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Learned helplessness is the opposite of self-efficacy. When someone feels helpless, they tend to give up when faced with challenges, even if they have the ability to overcome them.

Your mindset can be a powerful tool for you to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

Your mindset can be a powerful tool for staying motivated and achieving your goals.

Your mindset is the way you see yourself and the world. It’s how you interpret events around you, including those related to fitness or health. Your mindset can help or hinder your efforts at staying positive, setting goals and making progress toward them–and ultimately achieving them!

A person with a positive attitude will tend to see their workouts as something they enjoy doing rather than something they have to do; they’ll look forward to every workout instead of dreading it; they’ll feel good about themselves after working out because it makes them feel strong and healthy; and so on.

Your mindset is a powerful tool for staying motivated and achieving your goals. It can also be a source of stress if you don’t have a positive mindset or are struggling with negative thoughts. The good news is that it’s not too late to start changing your mindset! The first step is identifying what type of mindset you have–optimistic, pessimistic or somewhere in between–then finding ways to implement the positive outlooks into your life so they become automatic habits.

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