Full-body exercise

So you want a full-body workout, but don’t have time for the gym? I’m here to tell you that it is possible with just 5 exercises. These moves will work your glutes, hamstrings, quads and core in ways that regular workouts can’t. So sit back, relax and prepare to sweat!


So you want to get fit and build muscle, but you don’t have much time? Squats are your answer. A squat is a full-body exercise that works your legs and core, so it’s great for improving overall fitness levels.

It also burns calories quickly, which means that if you’re trying to lose weight or tone up, squats will help with those goals too!


Deadlifts are a great exercise because they work your hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Deadlifts will help build strength in those muscles, which can help prevent injuries and improve your posture.

To perform the deadlift:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward or turned out slightly (it’s up to you). Bend at the hips until your back is parallel with the floor; keep chest up so shoulders aren’t hunched forward or rounded down–you should look like an inverted V as you bend over at first; then raise up onto tiptoes as you straighten back up again (this helps engage core muscles).
  • Grab dumbbells by their ends with palms facing inward toward each other; then lift them straight up off floor until arms are straight but not locked out (or use barbell if available). Lower weights back down under control without locking knees or allowing them to collapse inward during movement.”

Push ups

Push ups are a great exercise, and they’re easy to do anywhere. To perform a push up, get into the plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees on the ground. Then lower yourself down so that your chest touches the ground, then push back up by straightening out all four limbs (arms and legs).

As you can see from this description alone, there are many different variations of pushups that can be done–each one makes them harder or easier depending on what muscle groups you want to target! For example:

  • Wide-Grip Pushup – This variation focuses more on chest muscles than standard shoulder-width grips do; it also helps you build strength so that regular shoulder widths don’t seem as challenging anymore!

Back extensions

Back extensions are great for working your lower back. These should be done with or without weights, depending on what you’re looking to work. You can do these exercises on a stability ball or on the floor, but make sure to keep your spine straight and not arch too much.

Bench press

The bench press is a great exercise for building strength. It’s also one of the best ways to build muscle mass, as it targets multiple muscle groups at once (your chest, shoulders, triceps and back).

  • Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent at 90 degrees.
  • Have a partner hand you an Olympic barbell loaded with enough weight so that when it’s in their hands over their chest they can only just lift it off their body. If this is too heavy then use less weight or use dumbbells instead of an Olympic barbell.
  • With both hands gripping one end of the barbell, lift it up off their chest until arms are fully extended above head – keep eyes focused straight ahead throughout movement.* Lower slowly under control until arms touch chest again before repeating exercise.*

You can do a full-body workout with just 5 exercises.

You can do a full body workout with just 5 exercises.

  • Squats, deadlifts, push ups and bench press.
  • Back extensions work the lower back muscles.

You can do these exercises at home or at the gym, but it’s important to choose weights that are challenging for you so that you’re working out hard enough to get stronger!

These exercises are effective because they use multiple muscle groups at once–not just one part of your body like some other workouts might do–and they also work different areas of your core (the muscles around your spine).

So there you have it, five exercises that will get you a full body workout. Now all you need to do is commit to doing these exercises every day and watch as your body gets stronger and healthier!

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