Short workouts

It’s easier than ever to find a workout you love and want to do every day. If you’re looking for something that will get your heart pumping and muscles burning without wasting hours of your time, here are five high-intensity workouts that take no more than 15 minutes.

High-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of workout that alternates between periods of high intensity activity and low-intensity intervals. It can be done in as little as 15 minutes, making it an ideal option for those looking to fit exercise into their busy schedules. HIIT has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, burn more calories than traditional aerobic workouts and help you lose weight faster.

The benefits aren’t just physical — studies have also shown that people who participate in HIIT tend to feel better about themselves overall because they feel stronger and more confident after completing the exercises that make up this type of workout regimen.

Tabata workouts

Tabata is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that only lasts four minutes. It’s one of the best workouts for burning fat and building muscle, and it can be done anywhere with no equipment at all.

If you’re unfamiliar with HIIT, it stands for “high intensity interval training.” It involves alternating between periods of intense activity followed by brief rest periods. The idea is that you’ll burn more calories in less time than with steady-state cardio because your body has to work harder during those intense bursts of activity.

Tabata workouts are short but very intense–you’ll be working at max effort for 20 seconds at a time before taking 10 seconds off to recover! You should feel like you’re going to die at the end of each round (and maybe even during).

5 minute abs circuit

Try this 5 minute abs circuit:

  • Do a set of each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

Speed walk

Speed walking is a great way to get in shape, and you can do it anywhere. The only equipment you need is some good shoes.

  • How long should I walk? A mile (1.6 kilometers) takes about 20 minutes at a brisk pace, but the exact distance depends on your age and fitness level. If this seems like too much for one session, try doing two or three laps around the block instead of one big loop–it will save time!
  • How fast should I go? The best way to find out how fast is by setting yourself up with an online speedometer or using an app like MapMyRun or RunKeeper that tracks your mileage over time so that they can recommend appropriate paces based on previous efforts. But don’t worry too much about hitting exactly 5 mph; just pick something close enough so that when someone asks “Hey, how many miles did you do today?” there aren’t any awkward pauses before responding “Oh…um…three.”

Squats and push-ups combo

  • Squats and push-ups combo: This is a great 10 minute workout that will get your heart rate up and burn fat. It’s also a great way to work on building strength in your legs and core, as well as improving flexibility in the upper body.
  • 5 sets of 10 reps for each exercise (rest for 1 minute between sets)
  • Do this workout 3 times per week

Burpee workout challenge

To do the burpee challenge, you’ll need to know how to do a burpee. It’s very simple:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Bend down and put both palms on the ground, then kick your legs back so that they’re straight behind you (as if doing a pushup).
  • Jump or step forward with one foot at a time until both feet land under where they started in step 1 above. Then return immediately into Step 2 by squatting down until your knees are bent at 90 degrees; this should be done quickly but deliberately, not slowly or sloppily!

Wall sit workouts

Wall sits are a great exercise for your legs, glutes and core. They’re also easy to do anywhere–at home or in the office.

To do a wall sit:

  • Stand with your back against the wall, feet about 2 feet away from it. Bend your knees until they’re at 90-degree angles (or as close to that as you can get). Keep your heels on the ground throughout this exercise!
  • Slowly bend forward at the hips until your butt touches the floor while keeping both knees bent at 90 degrees or more throughout each rep of this movement (you’ll probably have to bend them slightly more than usual). Don’t let either foot come off of its respective side; if necessary, use one hand against each knee cap for balance/assistance until you’ve mastered this move on its own merits.

You can get in shape with a few minutes of workouts

You can get in shape with a few minutes of work.

These workouts are shorter, but more intense. They’re designed to give you an effective workout in less time and with less equipment than traditional workouts.

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