Beginner workouts

It can be intimidating to get started with a workout routine. The good news is, there’s no need to fear! If you’re looking for workouts for beginners, there are plenty of fun ways to get fit that don’t require any equipment and take up just a few minutes of your time each day. Let’s take a look at some of my favourite beginner workouts:

How to get fit

  • Start small.
  • Set realistic goals and be patient with yourself as you work toward them.
  • Make a plan, then stick to it! You may not have time to do all of these workouts every day, but try to get in at least one or two of each type per week (and feel free to adjust the order based on what works for your schedule). If there are certain exercises that feel too difficult for now and others that feel easy, focus on those first before adding anything else into your routine–you don’t want to hurt yourself by pushing too hard too fast!
  • Take the stairs instead of riding elevators/escalators whenever possible; this will help build up strength in your legs over time without requiring much extra effort from you at first glance since just walking up stairs counts as exercise anyway.* * Do what makes sense for YOU: If yoga isn’t really doing anything special for how YOU look or feel physically then maybe try swimming instead? Or maybe boxing is more interesting than kickboxing? There’s no right answer here; just find something fun enough so that sticking with it long term doesn’t seem like torture…

Beginner workout routine

  • A beginner workout routine should be challenging but not too challenging. You want to challenge your body, but not so much that it feels like an impossible task.
  • A beginner workout routine should be varied. Variety is important because your body will get bored if you do the same thing over and over again, which makes it harder to stick with your workouts in the long-term.
  • A beginner workout routine should be fun! If it’s not fun for you, then there’s little chance that you’ll stick with it for very long (or at all). So find something that excites or interests you — whether it’s yoga classes at home or dance cardio classes at a gym near where we live — and try them out! The more excited about what we’re doing now makes everything else easier down the road when things get tough during those moments where life gets busy.”


Hiking is a great way to get fit, but it’s important to remember that you should always stretch before and after your hike. It’s also important to bring water with you on your hike so that you stay hydrated throughout the day. And don’t forget sunscreen! Sunscreen will help protect your skin from harmful UV rays which can cause sunburns or even skin cancer if exposed for too long.

Wear appropriate clothing when hiking; this means wearing shoes that provide good traction on slippery surfaces like rocks or mud (you might want some boots). You’ll also want pants because shorts will offer little protection against branches and thorns.

Weight-lifting tips

When you are just beginning a weight-lifting routine, it is important to start with small weights and build up. If possible, use a spotter when lifting heavier weights so that if something goes wrong (e.g., you lose your balance), someone can catch the barbell or dumbbell before it falls on you or anyone else in the room.

Resting between sets is also important so that muscles have time to recover from their exertion during each set of lifts; this will allow them to grow stronger over time without being damaged by overuse. Use mirrors or have someone watch your form while performing exercises so that there are no mistakes in technique–even small mistakes can lead to injuries!

Pushups and crunches

Pushups are a great way to tone your upper body and build strength. They can be done at home, or in the gym on a bench or floor pad. To do a pushup, lie face down with your feet about hip distance apart and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart under chest so that arms are straight but not locked out. Lower yourself until upper arms are parallel to floor (or as close as possible), then press back up until arms are straight again. Repeat for 10-20 reps depending on level of fitness; three sets is ideal for beginners!

Crunches work the abdominal muscles; they’re often used as part of sit-ups workouts but can also be done separately from other exercises like planks or squats if you want some extra core toning time! To perform crunches: lie flat on back with knees bent 90 degrees and feet flat on floor; place hands behind head or crossed over chest (whichever feels most comfortable); slowly lift torso off ground while keeping lower back flat against mat/floor – pause briefly before returning slowly back down again until original starting position is reached once more.”

Have fun with these beginner workouts

The best workout for you is the one that you’ll actually do. If you’re having fun and enjoying your time in the gym, then that’s all that matters! If you’re constantly dreading going to the gym or trying new things, then it’s time for a change.

The key is to find something that motivates and inspires you–and then stick with it!

Hopefully, you’ve found a routine that works for you. Remember, it’s all about finding what works for your body and having fun!

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